Something I left behind...

Day 13: Expat Blog Challenge: Something I left behind...

I've left a lot of things behind. I came to Australia with three suitcases, so there were a lot of things I could not take; clothes, shoes, photos, paintings, videocamera, dvds, diplomas, even my mom's gold plated id bracelet - that was a gift from 10 year old me - the inside of which is inscribed Love, Sami.

Oh, yes, there are many things I've left behind. Nevertheless, to quote Damian the adorable little boy from the movie Millions (2004), "Money's just a thing. And things change. One minute something's there and you can cuddle up to it. The next minute it's gone. Like a Malteser."

For the most part I try not to think about all the things I have left behind, because after all - they are only things - and things change. Somethings are more than that. Somethings I can't help but miss, like my guitar. 

My lovely - beautiful - guitar. Her name is Pearl. She is an Ibanez Exotic Wood Acoustic Electric Guitar. She is magnificent, and I love her. I knew she was mine from the beginning. When we first met - at Guitar Center in Merrillville, IN - I held her, strummed her, and began to sing. I was so moved that tears began to flow & suddenly I was in desperate need for the salesman to not notice me. Music has always been very cathartic for me - so the tears weren't really unusual - besides the whole being in public thing. She was mine - I simply had to take her home with me.

Alas, I didn't have room to pack Pearl with me & it would appear the cost of shipping a guitar from the States to Oz is exactly one arm and one leg. Someday, Pearl, someday... 

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Sydney Smiles: Something I left behind...

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Something I left behind...

Day 13: Expat Blog Challenge: Something I left behind...

I've left a lot of things behind. I came to Australia with three suitcases, so there were a lot of things I could not take; clothes, shoes, photos, paintings, videocamera, dvds, diplomas, even my mom's gold plated id bracelet - that was a gift from 10 year old me - the inside of which is inscribed Love, Sami.

Oh, yes, there are many things I've left behind. Nevertheless, to quote Damian the adorable little boy from the movie Millions (2004), "Money's just a thing. And things change. One minute something's there and you can cuddle up to it. The next minute it's gone. Like a Malteser."

For the most part I try not to think about all the things I have left behind, because after all - they are only things - and things change. Somethings are more than that. Somethings I can't help but miss, like my guitar. 

My lovely - beautiful - guitar. Her name is Pearl. She is an Ibanez Exotic Wood Acoustic Electric Guitar. She is magnificent, and I love her. I knew she was mine from the beginning. When we first met - at Guitar Center in Merrillville, IN - I held her, strummed her, and began to sing. I was so moved that tears began to flow & suddenly I was in desperate need for the salesman to not notice me. Music has always been very cathartic for me - so the tears weren't really unusual - besides the whole being in public thing. She was mine - I simply had to take her home with me.

Alas, I didn't have room to pack Pearl with me & it would appear the cost of shipping a guitar from the States to Oz is exactly one arm and one leg. Someday, Pearl, someday... 

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At February 13, 2014 at 11:11 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I do hope that 'someday' comes sooner rather than later for you and Pearl. We are now faced with getting my 10yo's violin home on the airplane. Should be a fun task through at least four flights and three countries.

At February 13, 2014 at 11:45 AM , Blogger Samantha said...

Oh what an adventure it is to travel with musical instruments! Is the violin small enough to take as a carry on? If it is that is probably the best way to prevent any damage.

At February 13, 2014 at 4:08 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

I've recently started learning how to play the djembe, a type of African drum. I've thought that I would like to take it with me when I visit Miami, but how. Apparently, my teacher, who travels quite a bit just checks them in. They are made of hardwood so it's pretty hard to damage them, but the idea still scares me.

At February 13, 2014 at 10:20 PM , Blogger Cristin said...

I didn't know you played the guitar. You're so cool! That is one gorgeous guitar - I can see why it was love at first sight.


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