I would move to another country again. Start all over, yet again, another blank canvas - to do with what I may. There is something deep down inside of me, that jumps with excitement, at the thought of a new adventure. My mind begins to wander... and I dream of an idyllic life set in the English countryside in a lovely little cottage. I look out the window, to see rolling green hills. There are geese walking around in front yard (I'm not sure why?) This got weird fast.
I suppose the notion of moving to another country is a bit romantic, isn't it? Reality is a bit more of a slap in the face - but, I guess that doesn't keep that little part deep down inside of me from getting excited at the idea. Moving to another country is exciting. Your days are filled with new adventures, new foods, new places, and new people. Alas, it's not all rainbows and lollipops - oh, how it is not. Your life also consists of goodbyes. Oh, the goodbyes. So much longing for loved ones. The sadness that you can't just get in your car and drive over to Gramma's house. The fact you can't hug some of your very best friends. The fact you can't attend that family BBQ. It's hard, people, it's hard. To think, about having to rebuild yet another support system and community of friends - just so you can feel comfortable in your own skin. Life in a new country can be so very lonely. Do I want to do those hard bits all over again? Heck NO! At least, my aversion to these things at this moment is rather high.
More appealing to me at the moment - if I were to move to another country - would be to return back to my home country and more importantly my loved ones. None of that icky "I don't know anyone. I don't have any friends. Boo hoo hoo hoo into my pillow." I know people back in the States. Heck, some of them are even obligated to love me by grace of the great genetic lottery.
In my ideal - absolute perfect - world... I'd stay here in Oz, but I'd spend my summers in Michigan. I'd have plenty of time to see those I love back home. Plenty of time for hugs, dinners, golfing, floating down rivers, girls' nights, shopping trips, and just plain sitting around and enjoying loved ones company.
Hey, if I can dream it, I can make it happen! All I need, is a very flexible job. Perhaps, I'd have work for myself. Heck, I know a lot of people that do this... it's possible... I just need a really good idea and lots of hard work. It could happen.Clearly, it's gonna take time - cause I got a fat lot a nothing at the moment... but, hey, it could happen.
A girl can dream.
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