Move over Redbox there is a new big green box in town called Oovie. Okay, technically Redbox doesn't really need to move over because Redbox and Oovie do business on seperate continents, in seperate countries, on opposite sides of the world - but it just sounded so darn catchy to tell Redbox to move over.
For those of you that don't know Redbox is a big red box one can rent movies from for only $1 for a one night rental! As you can imagine I fell in love with Redbox the moment I found out about it. However, I did stop going to Redbox while I lived in Chicago when a girl got mugged by gunpoint at 1:00pm in the afternoon on the street I needed to walk down to get to Redbox. In fact, I did a whole lot less walking around my neighborhood after that - well as lovely as that stroll down memory lane as that was - I will now get back to my point.
You can imagine my excitement when I discovered that Australia had their very own version of Redbox call Oovie, with the catchiest slogan around, "get a movie from oovie." Oovie is a bit more expensive than Redbox at $2.99 per night rental but it is still quite reasonable.
I went to the Oovie's website to find if there was a Oovie near me and much to my delight there certainly was! I decided last night would be a perfect night to try out Oovie. Conveniently located outside my neighborhood mall's Coles it was no trouble finding the big green box. I decided for my first Australian movie rental I was going to rent an Australian movie (easier said than done folks!) As I have mentioned before American culture reigns high - and most movies in the big green box are Hollywood blockbusters.
This doesn't mean you won't find Australian movies in the big green box as well. While scouring the comedy section I found just the movie for me. This movie has Australia written all over it spelled as follows, Paul Hogan, yes that is right Mr. Crocodile Dundee Himself! In the stereotypical American view of Australia formed by movies from the 1980s of my childhood it is just not possible to be more Australian than the legendary Crocodile Dundee played by Paul Hogan. There was no option, I had to rent Charlie & Boots simply because Paul Hogan was in it.

I am glad I did rent it. It was a lovely movie about a father and son reconnecting and learning to adapt to loss on a drive across Australia to fulfill a childhood dream of fishing on the northern most point of Australia. In my opinion it is definitely worthy of two thumbs up.