Samantha has arrived safely in Oz.

Number of broken finger nails = 4
Number of times spilled cute case full of bobby pics in an airport = 2
Number of times Samantha fell on some French dude on the escalator =1
Hours of sleep = 3
Number of cute little kids that kept her from sleeping = 2
Number of times kicked during flight = ??
Number of times heard name called over loud speaker in the airport = 2
Number of times through airport security = 3
Number of unconscious crew members on airplane = 1
Sydney Smiles: Samantha has arrived safely in Oz.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Samantha has arrived safely in Oz.

Number of broken finger nails = 4
Number of times spilled cute case full of bobby pics in an airport = 2
Number of times Samantha fell on some French dude on the escalator =1
Hours of sleep = 3
Number of cute little kids that kept her from sleeping = 2
Number of times kicked during flight = ??
Number of times heard name called over loud speaker in the airport = 2
Number of times through airport security = 3
Number of unconscious crew members on airplane = 1


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