Dear God,

You sure didn't bless me with a very accurate sense of direction did you? Well, I can't say I know why you made me this way, but I am sure you had your reasons. However, just because you had your reasons doesn't mean I can't ask you to amend your decision to unmake me so directionally challenged, right? I was thinking - if you can't possibly turn on my "inner compass" perhaps you could assign someone to my my "official hand holder." They could walk all the Chicago city streets with me, holding my hand of course, preventing me from acting upon that terrible urge I get to head in the completely wrong direction because "gosh darn it - it feels right."

I came up with this plan today. Yes, I know you were probably watching as I got off one stop before my usual El stop as it is indeed closer to Redbox I was heading to return dvd I had rented. No doubt you saw me walk to the street which the redbox was located on and proceed to turn the complete opposite direction of said Redbox...and walk... and walk...and...

I know it took me a bit to realize my mistake - I mean, the street did come to an abrupt stop before I was really "sure" but, you know I wouldn't let a little thing like that stop me. I am a problem solver - I realized right then - I needed to find Sheridan to get back on track. So, this is the moment where I take the time to THANK YOU because while my "inner compass" was telling me to turn left and "walk toward Sheridan" you made me look to the right where I couldn't miss the very big and beautiful Lake Michigan. This is where the little voice in my head started to shout "walk toward the lake stupid - the REAL direction toward Sheridan."

I'm thankful that I didn't stay lost for long, but as you know it can be scary to walk around lost in Chicago in neighborhoods one isn't so familiar with... so I will be patiently awaiting my very own official hand holder for the near future.

With the dearest love,
Sydney Smiles: Dear God,

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Dear God,

You sure didn't bless me with a very accurate sense of direction did you? Well, I can't say I know why you made me this way, but I am sure you had your reasons. However, just because you had your reasons doesn't mean I can't ask you to amend your decision to unmake me so directionally challenged, right? I was thinking - if you can't possibly turn on my "inner compass" perhaps you could assign someone to my my "official hand holder." They could walk all the Chicago city streets with me, holding my hand of course, preventing me from acting upon that terrible urge I get to head in the completely wrong direction because "gosh darn it - it feels right."

I came up with this plan today. Yes, I know you were probably watching as I got off one stop before my usual El stop as it is indeed closer to Redbox I was heading to return dvd I had rented. No doubt you saw me walk to the street which the redbox was located on and proceed to turn the complete opposite direction of said Redbox...and walk... and walk...and...

I know it took me a bit to realize my mistake - I mean, the street did come to an abrupt stop before I was really "sure" but, you know I wouldn't let a little thing like that stop me. I am a problem solver - I realized right then - I needed to find Sheridan to get back on track. So, this is the moment where I take the time to THANK YOU because while my "inner compass" was telling me to turn left and "walk toward Sheridan" you made me look to the right where I couldn't miss the very big and beautiful Lake Michigan. This is where the little voice in my head started to shout "walk toward the lake stupid - the REAL direction toward Sheridan."

I'm thankful that I didn't stay lost for long, but as you know it can be scary to walk around lost in Chicago in neighborhoods one isn't so familiar with... so I will be patiently awaiting my very own official hand holder for the near future.

With the dearest love,


At March 18, 2010 at 2:24 PM , Blogger K.Pete said...

I'm TERRIBLE with directions too. :(


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